Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023

know about laparoscopic surgery for removal of the fibroids

When you have been diagnosed with fibroid uterus your doctor will do some blood investigations have your fitness evaluation and then plan for surgery. For Laparoscopic surgery for fibroid removal you will be called on the day of surgery and will be asked to report to the hospital empty stomach. Once in the hospital you will be administrated some medications prior to being sent in the operating room. In the operating room you will be administrated some medication by the anesthetist (The doctor who puts you to sleep during surgery so you don’t feel any pain). Once you are under anesthesia the operating team uses a medication solution to clean the tummy (abdomen) and then the surgical process starts. Your abdomen is insufflated, small incisions 10mm, 10mm and 5 mm are made and instruments are inserted. The uterus, tubes and ovaries are inspected. Fibroids are identified. Steps are taken to minimize the bleeding by injecting vasopressin. Subsequently an incision or cut is made over the uterus and extended so that the fibroid or Myoma is reached which is enucleated. The layers of the uterus are then sutured to close the uterus layer by layer. The fibroid is then removed from the small 1 cm incision by the step called morcellation whereby the fibroid is divided into small long strips and gradually removed. The sutured site on the uterus is reinspected for any ooze or bleed The abdominal cavity is inspected. If all good, the abdomen is deflated and the skin incisions are sutured. Patient is weaned off from the anesthesia and then after clearance from the anesthetist shifted to the recovery room and the patient is ready to go home the next day.

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